Registration service to sign up for downloading the code and to receive update notices
As an registrated user, you can download everytime the latest version of STILT and you login in the TRAC-system for STILT project for viewing the latest changes in the development of STILT including viewing and adding the tickets at Trac.
As an registrated developer, you can retrieve, change und upload the STILT sources using the SVN version control system, and also create and modify at the Trac system of milestones and tickets.
How I can make a registration as developer or user?
If you read the fair-use policy, you can ask Christoph Gerbig via E-Mail (cgerbig[at] for getting a registration for the STILT project.
Alternative you can subscribe to the "stilt_developer" or "stilt_user" mailing list. from the main menu "Subscriping to mailing list". After revisiting manually you will get an account with a login and password.
If you have get a user login and password you can login in the Trac-system for viewing the tickets, milestones and latest changes of STILT via or use the subversion version control system.
More information to the Trac project management tool are available on
How I can contribute to the STILT project or discuss some points with other users and developers of STILT ?
You can use the "Trac" project management system or use one of the email-lists: stilt_user[at] or
For special questions please contact tkoch[at] or cgerbig[at]
How I can get as registrated developer or user STILT ?
Please read the download and installation instruction in the section "Installation". STILT will be distributed using the svn (subversion) version control system.