R-Functions Description
function assignr(xname, value, path="",printTF=FALSE,gz=FALSE)
see also getr() and existsr()
to avoid large databases that take too long to load memory (as R tries...)
similar to assign(), but object is removed after call to assignr
assigns object to name xname, saves it with save() under path/.RDataxname
and REMOVES it from local database (search()[1])
example: assignr("test",temp,path="/mydir/") creates file "/mydir/.RDatatest"
that can be attached and contains a single object with name "test"
printTF: if TRUE, prints info about file creation
gz: if TRUE, compresses file after creation with gzip
function combine.met(year=99,startmonth=1,endmonth=12, metd="fnl",metlib="/group/stilt/Metdata/",outlib=metlib)
function to combine arl met data (to avoid hymodelc crashing at beginning of month...)
combines met files, using cat
'year': 2 digit year
'startmonth': first month of selected period
'endmonth': last month of selected period
'metd': type of metfile ("edas" or "fnl")
'metlib': where metdata are read from
'outlib': where metdata are written to
creates object "Times.hf" w/ starting times for HF
output is a matrix with 4 columns:
-fjul (fractional julian day since 1/1/1960)
-lat (deg N)
-lon (deg E)
-altitude (meters above ground)
function day.of.week(month, day, year)
day.of.week(month, day, year) returns day of week as number (0: Sun, 6: Sat)
function existsr(xname, path="")
see also assignr() and getr()
similar to exists(), but
checks for object on stored location (file path/.Rdataxname)
Plots the flight tracks on top of map
generates matrices with different resolutions for vegetation maps, from 1/6lat*1/4lon to coarser resolution
saves objects with assignr() in location defined by 'vegpath' (set in script setStiltparam.r)
function getgridp(min.x, max.x, min.y, max.y, numpix.x, numpix.y,coarse.factor=1)
Implements decisions in trajectory model about which emission grid to use by taking in vectors of min & max grid points
Each element is a time point
Returns vector of filenames (char) that would give correct file for emission grid
function getmetfile(yr=0,mon,day,hr,nhrs,metd="edas",doublefiles=F)
A function that is smart enough to return the meteorological filename to be used in driving particle dispersion model when given the yr, mon, day, hr, & nhrs
Arguments are all SINGLE values
Note that function returns TWO FILES if magnitude of nhrs is large and run time would overlap two files
Note that function only works right now for running model BACKWARDS (i.e., NEGATIVE nhrs)
'yr' 2 digit (!) year (starting time)
'mon' month (starting time)
'day' day (starting time)
'hr' hour (starting time)
'nhrs' is the number of hours that particle model would be run
if nhrs<0, then running model BACKWARDS
'metd' meteorological data identifier, such as "edas", or "fnl" or\\ "brams" or "rams" (RAMS NOT YET!)
'doublefiles' should concatenated met files be used? Allows starting \\times between files
function getr(xname, path="",gz=FALSE)
see also assignr() and existsr()
to avoid large databases that take too long to load memory (as R tries...)similar to get()
gets object from stored location (file path/.Rdataxname)
name of object is xname if file was writen with assignr()
gz: flag, if TRUE, file is first gunziped (if uncompressed version does not exist), then uncompressed version is deleted.
function id2pos(id,sep="x")
revers of id2pos
function to create read identifying label for single receptor (location&time)
returns time as fractional julian day since 1/1/1960
and alt as altitude above ground in kilometers
[1] 15555.42 45.00 90.00 30.00
imagell.rfunction imagell(mat,lg=F,zlims=NULL,zoom=0,center=c(-72.172,42.536),rays=F){
function to plot lat/lon image with maps
'mat' matrix different rows for different latitudes, diff. columns as diff. longitudes (e.g. surface fluxes or footprint)
'lg' flag for log
'zlims' vector c(zmin,zmax) for scaling
'zoom' number corresponding to about half image size in degrees (e.g. zoom=1: 2*2 dg image)
if NULL: no zoom
if 0: auto-zoom (only rectangular area with non-zero values, plus 10% boundary each side)
'center' receptor location lat lon
'rays' flag; if TRUE, 32 rays and 30 circles corresponding to a polar projection are drawn
'lon.ll' longitude of southwest corner of southwest corner gridcell
if NULL uses dimnames of mat as lat/lon
'lat.ll' latitude of southwest corner of southwest corner gridcell 'lon.res' #resolution in degrees longitude 'lat.res' #resolution in degrees latitude 'nlevel' Number of color levels used in legend strip 'col' Color table to use for image ( see help file on image for details). Default is a pleasing range of 64 divisions on a topographic scale. 'citiesTF' if T, plot locations of cities 'part' a particle location object can be passed on, it will be plotted on top of footprints 'dev' device to which graphic is send (currently X11 or file name with .png ending, creates png file) 'type' determines label for color legend
"foot" is footprint, uses ppm/micro-moles/m2/s "infl" is influence, uses 1/m^2 (influence density integrated over altitude) any other: used as label for color legend
returns vector c(zmin,zmax) for scaling
function image.plot.fix()
fix to image.plot()
function image.plot.plt.fix()
fix to image.plot.plt()
function is.inf(x)
similar to Splus function; returns T if x is infinite
function julian(m, d, y, origin.)
from Splus
returns day since 1/1/1960
'origin.' has format c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1960)
function leap.year(y)
from Splus
function lsr(path)
lists all r objects in 'path' stored with assignr()
function memory.size()
instead of memory.size in splus
for linux only
returns string indicating memory usage
function month.day.year(jul, origin.)
reverse of julian
returns month, day, year
'jul' julian since 'origin.'
'origin.' has format c(month = 1, day = 1, year = 1960)
For backward compatibility with older S scripts
function pos2id(jultime,lat,lon,alt,sep="x")
function to create identifying label for single receptor (location&time)
expects jultime as fractional julian day since 1/1/1960
expects alt as altitude above ground in meters
[1] "2002x08x03x10x+45.00x+090.00x00030"
function read.asc(file)
Facilitates importing files generated by SAS, which are blank-separated values
and may contain '.' as symbol for NAs
function read.bg(spec,datename,pathin,pathout)
reads initial field for CO2, CO, CH4, or H2, from ascii data that were created using sas
spec is any subset of c("co","co2","ch4","h2")
datename is a string indicating time range, e.g. "1_1_99_12_31_02" for 1/1/1999 to 12/31/2002
pathin is path where to read ASCII data from
pathout is path where to assign boundary condition objects
OUTPUT assigns *.ini objects (3-D array altitude * Latitude * Day since 1/1/1960) time is 0 at 1/1/1960 (i.e. elapsed days since 1/1/1960; similar to julian() with default origin.)
e.g. read.bg(spec=c("CO2","CO"),datename="1_1_99_12_31_02",
function rmr(xname,path)
similar to exists(), but
removes object at stored location (file path/.Rdataxname)
function rp2ll(r,p,lon0=-72.172,lat0=42.536)
function to convert from polar coordinates (r, p as distance and angle) to lon,lat
'r' distance from center
'p' angle (north=0, east=90)
'lon0' center longitude (origin)
'lat0' center latitude (origin)
- returns lat and lon
set parameters needed for STILT
sources all required R functions found in directory 'sourcepath' (global variable)
function stdev(x,na.rm=F)
returns standard deviation (sqrt(var))
sources all required R functions for STILT, then calls Trajecmod()
saves logfile (info for individual receptor runs) to object with date and time in name
example: ./Runs.done/.RDatarun.info.Mar..9.18:36:21.2004
this can be retrieved to R with info<-getr("run.info.Mar..9.18:36:21.2004",path="./Runs.done/")
function (yr,mon,day,hr,lat,lon,agl,metlib=paste(unix("echo $HOME"),"/Metdat/",sep=""),
Uses differences in positions of mean trajectories to calculate the mean wind at a specified time & position
function\\ Trajecflux(ident,pathname="",tracers=c("CO","CO2"),coarse=1,dmassTF=T,nhrs=NULL,vegpath="/group/stilt/Vegetation/")
calculate tracer concentrations for trajectories
maps trajectories onto surface fluxes
'ident' is character value specifying the trajectory ensemble to look at
'pathname' is path where object with particle locations is saved
- 'tracers' vector of names for which mixing ratios are wanted; any subset of c("co","co2","ch4","h2")
- 'coarse' degrade resolution (for aggregation error): 0: only 20 km resolution;
- 1-16: dynamic resolution, but limited highest resolution
- coarse: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
- coarsex:c(1,1,2,2,2,4,4,4,8, 8, 8,16,16,16,32,32) #factors by which grids have been made coarser
- coarsey:c(1,2,1,2,4,2,4,8,4, 8,16, 8,16,32,16,32)#e.g., '4' means grid is 4 times coarser
- 'dmassTF' if TRUE, weighting by accumulated mass due to violation of mass conservation in met fields
- 'vegpath' is path under wich vegetation and flux grids are stored
- returns vector containing mixing ratios etc. at endpoint (receptor)
- for timeseries (e.g. mixing ratio as fct of time back) needs some modifications
- function Trajecfoot(ident,pathname="",foottimes,zlim=c(0,0),fluxweighting=NULL,coarse=1,dmassTF=T,vegpath="/home/gerbig/Rdat/Vegetation/",
- Creates footprint or influence for individual particle runs
- 'ident' is character value specifying the trajectory ensemble to look at
- 'pathname' is path where object with particle locations is saved
- 'foottimes' is vector of times between which footprint or influence will be integrated
- 'zlim' (if not default 0,0): vertical interval for which influence is calculated
- 'fluxweighting' if not NULL, but a number (1-31), weighting by that vegetation class or emission (e.g. 19 for CO fossil fuel emissions)
- 'coarse' degrade resolution (for aggregation error): 0: only 20 km resolution;
- 1-16: dynamic resolution, but limited highest resolution
- coarse: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
- coarsex:c(1,1,2,2,2,4,4,4,8, 8, 8,16,16,16,32,32) #factors by which grids have been made coarser
- coarsey:c(1,2,1,2,4,2,4,8,4, 8,16, 8,16,32,16,32)#e.g., '4' means grid is 4 times coarser
- 'dmassTF' if TRUE, weighting by accumulated mass due to violation of mass conservation in met fields
- 'vegpath' is path under wich vegetation and flux grids are stored
- 'numpix.x' #number of pixels in x directions in grid
- 'numpix.y' #number of pixels in y directions in grid
- 'lon.ll' #lower left corner of grid
- 'lat.ll' #lower left corner of grid
- 'lon.res' #resolution in degrees longitude
- 'lat.res' #resolution in degrees latitude
- returns: 3-D array (lat, lon, time) containing influence grids or footprints (lat,lon) for different times back
function Trajecmod()
no arguments; these are set in setStiltparam.r
Function that loops over all receptors (or only a part of it)
Calls 'Trajec()' for each starting time to calculate paricle dirstributions
depending on flags set in set in setStiltparam.r:
calls Trajecflux(), and assigns mixing ratio results for all receptors (e.g. 'stiltresult1' for first part)
calls Trajecfoot() to derive footprints
returns: object containing info generated by each run of Trajec()
function\\ Trajec(yr=02,mon=8,day=1,hr=6,lat=42.536,lon=-72.172,agl=30,nhrs=-48,maxdist=20,
delt=0.0,numpar=100,ndump=0,random=T,outdt=0.0,veght=0.5,metlib="/group/stilt/Metdata/", metd="edas",doublefiles=F,metfile=NULL,nturb=F,outfrac=0.9,conv=F,ziscale=NULL, siguverr=NULL,TLuverr=NULL,zcoruverr=NULL,horcoruverr=NULL, varsout=c("time","index","lat","lon","agl","grdht","foot","temp0","swrad","zi","dens","dmass"), rundir=NULL,nummodel=0,outname=NULL,outpath="",overwrite=T){
to run HYSPLIT particle dispersion model and to check distribution of particles
'yr','mon','day','hr': starting time
'lat','lon',&'agl' can be a VECTOR of the same length--to have multiple starting locations; agl in meters above ground
- 'nhrs' is number of hours model would be run--NEGATIVE values mean model is run BACKWARDS
- 'maxdist' maximum distance (in km) that particles travel between timesteps.
- assumes a default gridcell size of 80 km (edas: 80 km; fnl: 180 km; rams: 45 km depending on 'metd')
- 'delt' is timestep in minutes (integer...); if 0 then dynamic timestep (depending on 'trat')
- 'numpar' is number of particles emitted over the # of hrs specified in 'emisshrs'
- 'ndump' to dump out all particle/puff points to a file PARDUMP that can be read at start of new simulation to continue prev calc.
- valid NDUMP settings: 0 - no I/O, 1- read and write, 2 - read only, 3 - write only. Default value = 0
- 'random' is flag that means that random number generator would generate diff random number sequence each time model is run
- 'outdt' is the interval [min] that elapses before particle results are written out to PARTICLE.DAT
- if outdt=0.0, then data at EVERY timestep is written out; outdt should be a POSITIVE number
- 'veght' is height in meters above ground (model ground) below which time is counted as particle seeing the ground
- if <1 then interpreted as fraction of zi (mixed layer height as derived from met data)
- 'metd' is character vector with names (descriptors) of met files to be used; possible entries: "edas","fnl","brams" or "rams" (not yet)
- 'doublefiles' should concatenated met files be used? Allows starting times between files
- concatenation with "cat file1 file2 > file12"
- 'metfile' specifies the meteorological input file;if not specified, then let 'getmetfile' automatically determine filename based on time and 'metd'
- 'nturb' is NotTURBulence flag that turns turbulence on (FALSE) or off (TRUE)
- 'outfrac' is fraction of particles which are allowed to leave the model area before hysplit stops
- 'conv' turns on convection (RAMS winds: grell convection scheme, EDAS and FNL: simple excessive redistribution within vertical range with CAPE>0)
- 'ziscale' is a vector with which to scale the modelled mixed-layer height
- each element specifies scaling factor for each model simulation hour (ziscale can be of length that is smaller than abs(nhrs))
- 'siguverr' & 'TLuverr' refer to the stddev of magnitude in horizontal wind errors [m/s] and their correlation timescale [min]
- 'zcoruverr' refers to the vertical correlation lengthscale of horizontal winds [m]
- 'horcoruverr' refers to the horizontal correlation lengthscale of horizontal winds [km]
- 'varsout' specifies output variables from STILT
- can be any subset of c("time","sigmaw","TL","lon","lat","agl","grdht","index","cldidx","temp0","sampt","foot","shtf","lhtf","tcld","dmass","dens","rhf","sphu","solw","lcld","zloc","swrad","wbar","zi","totrain","convrain")
- 'nummodel' specifies copy of directory where fortran executable is executed; needs to be different for different runs running parallel on same filesystem
- 'rundir' specifies main directory where differend copy directories are found (see nummodel)
- 'outname' specifies name of the object for output; if not specified, uses default name
- based on time and position using pos2id() (e.g. "2002x08x16x06x42.54Nx072.17Wx00030")
- 'outpath' specifies the directory in which the object will be saved
- 'overwrite' if TRUE (default), overwrite existing object with same 'outname' or same default name
- assigns the output of particle dispersion model in MATRIX format to an object called 'outname' (or default name indicating time & position);
- object is saved in database at location depending on outpath
- e.g. for outname="tmp" and outpath="/home/gerbig/modeloutput/" the database will be saved as "/home/gerbig/modeloutput/.RDatatmp"
- and contains the object "tmp" that can be retrieved with getr("tmp",path="/home/gerbig/modeloutput/")
- columns are specified using 'varsout' argument
- returns list of:
- defaultname; all input data; metd with times when switched;
- -status
- 1: new object assigned, no problem;
- 2: new object assigned, ended early
- 3: object already exists, not overwriten
- 4: no object assigned; failed
function unix(command, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = FALSE)
redefines unix as system() with intern=T as default
function unix.shell(command, shell = "/bin/sh", ...){
like in Splus
function weekdayhr(yr,mon,day,hr,runtt,diffGMT=NA)
Determines day of week and hour of day (needed to determine emission factors used to scale emissions)
'yr','mon','day','hr' are individual numbers used to specify the starting time
let 'hr' run from 0~23
'runtt' is the runtime from starting time in MINUTES; 'runtt' can be both pos or neg, depending on forward or backward run 'diffGMT' can be a vector with the same length as 'runtt'--the DIFFERENCE from GMT at each timestep, which can be dependent on
the longitude of current timestep--this is important if need this function to return LOCAL TIME
Returns MATRIX with following columns: 1) yr 2) mon 3) day 4) hour of day 5)day of week
Day of week is value of 0~6, denoting Sun~Sat