How I can download STILT from SVN (Subversion) as an registrated developer?
- You have to install the SVN subversion version control system
at your client first. See for more information
Which GUI to the SVN version control system are recomendable ?
- There are some third-party clients for svn with a Graphical
User Interface. For Windows a simple good third party client is TortoiseSVN ( which expands the Windows- Explorer to svn functionality by clicking the right mouse button. CrossVC ( can work with SVN and CVS and is a multi-platform software for Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X Subclipse is a plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. For more information to third part clients see at :
How I can ckechout) a working copy from SVN (Subversion) as an registrated developer or user?
- The following remarks are for getting a working copy from
the SVN-repository by using the command line under linux. For using third party GUI clients see the instruction at the corresponding homepage using the links at 1.) Please test, if the command "svn" is available at your system. If this command is not found, add the path to svn to your environment variable. 2.) Make a directory for your working copy directory, like mkdir ~/svn_STILT_test. ATTENTION : During the test phase for the SVN-STILT repository, select a test directory, which is NOT your current working directory for the CVS working directory. 3.) go in the working directory using cd ~/svn_STILT_test 4.) The following command make a checkout of a trunk working copy : svn checkout --username USER